
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Video-Springtime in the Garden

Good morning, friends.  I hope this post finds you and your loved ones safe and well during these uncertain and chaotic times.  It has been surreal, to be certain.  Today, I am posting a video of my garden. You’ll have to forgive the sporadic tremors in the footage, I am still trying to master it!  😊  It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted I’m children are growing and slowly leaving the nest, with the next one due to graduate this year (quite unfortunate in these circumstances), one finishing sophomore year, one finishing middle, and the littlest one with only one year left in primary.  It has been a blur!

I hope you enjoy.  Please take care and continue the practice of proactivity!

Video playlist:

1.  Seven Sisters by Tori Amos

2.  Bach Cello Suite #1 Prélude interpreted by Mischa Maisky

3.  Excerpt:  Tout Petit Moineau (Every Little Sparrow) by Igorrr featuring Laure Le Prunenec

4.  Epona by Enya

5.  Excerpt:  Flower Duet from Lakmé by Léo Delibes featuring Sabine Devieilhe and Marianne

6.  Excerpt:  Aniron by Enya

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