
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Banishing the Winter Blahs

Hello, friends!  Thank you for taking the time to stop by today.

What is it about winter that seems desolate and bleak once the joy of Christmas has passed?   For a couple of days now, I have been planning a post, but the weather has either been overcast or fun, and definitely not good for taking pictures, unless they are pics of my plants fresh from the rain:

My planter, sweet, but so sad without flowers!

My Sago palm


What's a gal to do?  Well, today, I am going to share a few inspirational pics that I hope will be uplifting.  If you've read my blog, I've mentioned (probably ad nauseum, ha ha) that my favorite color is blue.  I love the calmness and serenity it exudes.  For me, blue is most perfect when combined with white.  I am a California native, born and raised, so I tend to interpret blue as oceans and skies, and white as rolling clouds on summer days, or white sandy beaches.  These are a few photographs that I hope will inspire you, and especially if it is cold and blustery where you are, serve as a simple lazy-day reverie.  I hope you enjoy! 

Inspiration board:

Listed individually in random order:

Royal Copenhagen, Christie's Auction

Couch covered in Ralph Lauren Fabric

Medical facility, designed by Russian architect Vasily Klyukin, is planned to be built in Tunisia Economic City (TEC).  World Maritime News 

Spode Blue Italian

Tory Burch as seen in Veranda

How beautiful is the juxtaposition of the crisp white sails against the gorgeous blue!?  Luxury Gitana Perini Navy Carter boat, 
Charter World

Danielle Rollins, as seen in Veranda

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The Marvelous Maison, a lifestyle blog hub and 
Frugal Fab Fashionista, my fashion blog hub. 

Follow me on Pinterest!!  Please be sure to kindly follow the board guidelines, as it takes time and effort to find fabulous pins across the Internet and Pinterest!  Thank you!  

Thank you for stopping by! ❤


  1. Blue and white dishes are my favorite. I really should switch out the plates in my china cabinet to my winter blue collection of plates. I found two pretty blue and white teapots (one of them is a Sadler 1940's Blue Willow teapot) yesterday when I was out thrifting that have already found a home in the kitchen hutch. Thank you for inspiring me to get motivated to pack up all of the white and gold and replace it with lovely blues and white.

    Recently I read somewhere that our vision is hard wired to be drawn to the color blue by our brain. The article stated that it was a survival instinct to attract us to water. Clever of Mother Nature isn't it? Have a wonderful day..... Candy

    1. That is so interesting, I've never heard that before! Wow, I know blue definitely always draws me in. I love blue willow, I'll be looking for you to share that soon! :)

  2. Gorgeous inspiration indeed. I love the ocean too. It is so serene and relaxing. The beauty of blue and white is unmatched isn't it. Such a clean and classic color palette.

    Thank you for sharing such amazing photos,. Happy Sunday.

