
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Adding the Final Touches for Independence Day

Hello, Friends out there in the Bloggersphere and beyond! 

During these uncertain and contentious times, I truly like to reflect and remember what is important.  Even though our country is rife with dissension, social and civic unrest, and an ever-growing pandemic, I still love this land.  I still care greatly for our country and my fellow countrymen; I am by definition, a patriot who holds on to the belief that we are evolving closer to the tenets upon which this great nation was founded.  It will take work, for certain, but I truly believe (not naïvely) that we will eventually get there.  Independence Day is just a short time away, so I thought I would share a few last-minute ideas that can be incorporated into your celebration with ease.  I hope you enjoy the post!

Decorating the Front Doors

Nothing for me screams Summertime like nautical flair.  I made these adorable door hangers, and they took no time at all.  They combine the whimsy of Summer fun, and of course, proudly display the red, white, and blue!

To make these you will need:

Red faux flowers
Nautical-style oversized beach tote(s)
Miniature versions of "Old Glory"
Paper towels
Red Ribbon

I began by wadding up the paper towels

and placing them inside the beach totes

until the tote is able to stand up on its own.

I then added the red flowers and the mini flags.

Shown here.

Each tote was attached to the iron on my doors by adding a bit of red ribbon.

I originally placed the flags inside the bags, but I found that threading them through the grommets of the tote held them in place much better.

The completed look.



So fun, and so SIMPLE!

Sweet Nuances

I wanted to continue with the nautical theme, so at the backyard cottage,

right next to the flowerbox, a new flag is displayed.  I usually change the flags to match the season, and when I saw this one at Lowe's, I knew it was perfect for this year's theme.

Isn't Mr. Schnauzer too cute snappily outfitted in red, white, and blue sailing regalia!?  Love him!

Setting the Table with Flair

No celebration for me is complete unless it includes delicious treats and a lovely setting to eat them on.  This Independence Day will be no exception.

A no-fuss, no-muss setting in the garden is perfect for a lazy Summer afternoon.

I began the setting with vibrant crimson charger plates placed on a background of crisp white linen

followed by simple white plates.

Cobalt blue stemware for summery sips

are complimented by crimson teacups

and a grand blue bowl full of patriotic charm.

Close up.

Charming little saucers dance merrily

with crisp blue-and-white linens, completing the table setting.

Completed tablescape.

The napkins are easily set aside to place dainty mini Charlotte Russes for guests...strawberry adorned with red ribbon,

and blueberry adorned with blue, of course!

The pièce de résistance??  Blueberry and Strawberry Charlotte.  A Charlotte Russe makes the perfect Summertime dessert.  So light yet so decadent...

and such a pretty presentation adorned with patriotic ribbon!  View of the reverse side.

I hope all is well with each of you and your families.  Please let us remember to be kind and to treat others with respect.  I love the golden rule, it never loses its meaning.  Treat others as you wish to be treated, and God Bless the United States of America!

Until next we meet,


Door Hangers
Totes, Ribbon, and Flags, The 99¢ Store
Red Carnations, The Dollar Tree

Tablescape Elements

Crimson Chargers, generic
White Plates, Ralph Lauren Club Collection
Striped saucers, Kate Spade for Lenox
Crimson teacups, antique
Bowl for centerpiece, Ralph Lauren Somerset Island Collection
Navy and white napkins, Tai-Pan Trading
White French linen tablecloth, Amazon
Silver plated cake plate, Godinger
Faux white roses, Tai Pan Trading
Faux red carnations, The Dollar Tree
Mini flags, The 99¢ Store

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Thank you for stopping by! ❤


  1. I meant to comment way back. Obviously didn’t follow through but I want to come sit down at your gorgeous table!! Loved it!
