
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hanging or Replacing Drywall

Hello, friends!  Thank you for stopping by to visit!

Well, I will tell you, buying an older house can be a double-edged sword.  I love that our house has its own charm and that it is not cookie-cutter, but the problem with older houses is sometimes there is a great deal of renovation needed.  We are in the process of installing a new kitchen, and wow, it is a lot of work (especially for those of the non-professional ilk like ourselves)!!

You may remember my old cabinets and countertops, the ones I "aged" by painting a few years back pre-blog?  To see the tutorial, visit the post in the archives here.  Well, the husband and I must bid them adieu.  Today's post will feature the beginning of our kitchen remodel: replacing the drywall.  I hope you enjoy the post.

We began by removing the old drywall and tile. Once removed, we cut straight lines into removed portions of the drywall using a sharp razor blade.  Measure the space where the drywall needs to be replaced.  Cut your drywall to size.   Attach drywall to studs using drywall screws. 

Where there are seams in the drywall created by the different pieces, use drywall tape to make a seamless transition between the pieces.  

Spackle the nail holes and over the drywall tape.  When dry, lightly sand so that the surface is smooth.  Now you may paint over, and it should appear seamless.  

I reiterate, we are not pros, lol, but I hope to give updates as we chug along, as well as my normal posts. Thank you for stopping by!  

If you enjoy this post, please visit the archives!  You may also visit my full profile to view my other blogs. Connect with me on my Facebook Page, Parsimonious Décor Darling.   You might like to visit my other blog hubs,

The Marvelous Maison, a lifestyle blog hub and 
Frugal Fab Fashionista, my fashion blog hub. 

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Thank you for stopping by! ❤


  1. Oh boy, kitchen remodels are always challenging. But at the end, they are truly worth it. I have to remodel ours too but I am waiting one more year or so. For now, I am concentrating on my living room. Good luck with your project. I am sure it will turn out beautiful.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend,


    1. Thank you for wishing me luck....we need it, lol! Have a beautiful weekend! :)
