
Friday, May 29, 2015

Easy Flowerbed Makeover

Hello, friends, welcome, and thank you for stopping by!  Do you have fur babies?  I do.  We have two lovable, adorable, and sometimes mischievous little monsters.  The first is our Cockalier Brody.  We bought Brody from a local pet store.  Brody Aloysius is docile, sweet, loves to play fetch is obsessed with playing fetch, and follows mommy around like a lovesick puppy.....he was, after all, her very spoiled baby when he first joined our family.  :)

Our second is named Spike....a name so befitting, although when we took him home from the front of a pet store where two ladies were giving him away, we didn't know just how much.  We believe him to be a sort of Westland Terrier mix, but we aren't completely sure.  Spike is a truly brilliant (sometimes stubborn), sweet dog who would be content if you pet him all day, and is too clever for his own good.  Look at that face!

We love them both very much....but owning them does come sometimes with bits of trouble; my doggies sometimes have a craving for "salad" and graze on the grass like cows.  It bemuses me (growing up, I'd seen cats do this, never dogs) and makes me giggle, unless they start digging to eat the grass.  They sometimes also have a random penchant for digging in my flower beds.  This does not amuse mommy.  Lol.  In the cooler months, I don't tend the garden as much as in the Spring of course, and once the seasons change, it's again time to renew the flower beds.  

Here is what I've been left with over the last winter in one of the beds.  Most of the mulch is gone, the roses could definitely use some attention.....ooh, those naughty boys!  ;)

For just over $50, I was able to give new life to this much-in-need little spot.  First, I removed dead fronds, debris, et cetera.  Next, I dug a large hole for iceberg roses, and I wet the soil generously.

I filled the hole with a mixture of potting soil and natural, but whenever I plant, I always use the potting soil as a foundation first.

Shown here.

The roses went in easily...I make sure to break apart the roots a bit so they can breathe.

The whole area was then covered with more mulch.

To add a little bit of whimsy, I added this very inexpensive concrete birdbath I found recently at Lowe's.

   The base was only $12.99!

The top was $14.99....super cheap!

Filled and ready for little birdies [I'm sure Brody will give chase :)  ]....all set!

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Thank you for stopping by! ❤


  1. That looks great! Some dogs by nature are prone to dig. Hopefully they'll leave this area alone! :-)

    1. I hope so....I've tried the sprays that are safe but are supposed to keep them out, it didn't work. :)
      Thanks for poppin in!

  2. Very nice! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  3. Great fixer upper! Love the birdbath. I have a similar one in my front yard. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Thank you...I love it, especially because it was so inexpensive! Thank you for visiting me! :)
