Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Gorgeous Architecture: An Off-Season Tour of Riverside's Renowned Mission Inn

Hello, all and welcome to my blog!  I am so glad the spring is almost here!  So long, winter!  Since I am in such lifted spirits because of the forthcoming sunny weather, I thought today I would share a tour that (for at least my family) is atypical.  

Every few years or so, my family and I visit the gorgeous Mission Inn in downtown Riverside, California and its Festival of Lights during the wintertime.  It is truly a sight to see!  The whole mission, its grounds, and surroundings are adorned with over 4 MILLION lights!  You can read a bit about it in the archives of my blog here.  It is one of the most popular attractions at this beautiful historic hotel.

Today, however, I would like to share the beauty that is the Mission Inn when it is off-season.  Do join me?

Originally built as a small 12-room guest house in 1875, The Mission Inn was renovated in 1903, and now includes venues for weddings, a chapel, 265 rooms, and expansive grounds.  From the official website.

The chapel features gorgeous ornate carvings and stunning details such as authentic Tiffany stained glass.

The Madonna and child.

Fantastic turrets and rotundas,

charming balconies,

and decorative cupolas are scattered throughout.

Beautiful woodwork is featured under eaves, 

on fabulous carved doors,

and in the interior on stunning antiques.

Among the other decorative elements are several bells, including its most famous bell, which dates back to 1247, and is believed to be the oldest  dated in Christendom in existence anywhere in the world.

There is the fabulous clock,

beautifully patinaed metal,

and charming arches everywhere...such as in charming windows,

on loggias,

even in the framing of the doors.

There is also a tremendous amount of beautiful foliage to observe, 

and beautiful antiques to behold.

We had an early dinner/late lunch at one of their lovely restaurants to end the day.  All in all, a wonderful experience I would highly recommend!

See you soon,


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